Wednesday, 19 December 2018



Boarding school: internado
Canteen: comedor
Facility: instalaciones
Changing room: vestuario
Head teacher: director
Staffroom: sala de profesores
ICT suite:  sala de informatica
Play fields: pistas
Wetsuit: traje de neopreno

Wednesday, 12 December 2018


Cuadrilaterals: they are polygons with two sides and four vertices.
Parallelograms: they are cuadrilayerals with two pairs of parallels opposite equal sides and two pairs of opposite equal angles
Tipes: square, rectangle, rhomboid rhombus.
Trapeziums: only one pair of sides are parallels.
Tipes: right, isosceles, scalen, trapezoid

Sunday, 9 December 2018


Triangle: its a flat figure with three sides and three angles
Tipes: Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalen, Right, Acute, Obtuse.


Star polygon: its a particular polygon that if you link all their vertex together you form a star
Inscribed polygons: they are polygons that are inside of a ciscle so all their vertices are touching the circle
Circunscribed: this polygons have a circle inside
Equiangular: all their corners, angles or vertices are equal
Equilateral: all edges or sides are equal
Regular: all their vertices, angles and sides are equal
Irregular: show different angles and lenght for their sides


Parallels: they are lines that they are one in front of the other and never intersect
Perpendicular: they are lines wich meet forming four riht angles
Oblique: they are lines that are forming a cross, they are not perpendicular neither parallels
Angle: it is figure formed by two lines sharing a common endpoint
Complementary angles: they are angles that their addition is 90º
Suplementary angles: they are anglees that their addition is 180º
Adyacent angles: they are angles that their vertex and one of its sides are shares
Angle bisector: its an angle that is divide into two parts equals

Wednesday, 5 December 2018


  • 1 What can I do that I couldn't do before?
  • 2 What do I like most?
  • 3 What do I do well?
  • 4 What am I confused about?
  • 5 What do I need help with?
  • 6 What do I do in English outside the class?
  • 7 What do I need to improve?
  • 8 What did I learn about culture?

1 I write English more fast than the other years
2 I like most the games
3 I do well the grammar
4 I think that i understant all the things
5 I need help with the listening
6 The English classes
7 Do more listenings
8 The differents tipes of houses


-Get up at 7:30
-I brush my hair
-I go to school
-I go back to home
-I do my homework
-I go to basketball
-I study
-I have a shower
-I have dinner 
-I go to bed


Tap: grifo
Sink: fregadero
Shoe laces: cordones
Bristles: púas
Native: nativo
Pilgrims: peregrinos
Parade: cabalgata
Cranberry sauce: salsa de arándanos
Sweet potato: boniato